Two and a half years ago, a powerful VR experience left me with a realization - an epiphany, a new perspective, and a catalyst for change. This revelation prompted me to take a bold leap and leave a top-tier, large tech company to embark on a journey that would eventually lead to the creation of VentR-out, a startup that excels in the intersection of Virtual Reality with outdoor-themed, movement-based pursuits.
My passion for the outdoors has led me to participate in and organize numerous wilderness endurance races in real life. These experiences have been deeply rewarding, offering moments of flow and inner peace that I want to share with the world.
VentR-out was born from this passion and a vision to bring wilderness type experiences to more individuals, no matter where they are. Our mission is to reduce barriers for those that don’t have easy access to the wilderness and provide a unique opportunity for you to:
I invite you to join our Discord community, share your thoughts, and be part of our journey as we explore the limitless possibilities of VentR-out. Together, we can redefine how we experience the great outdoors and harness the power of technology to make it accessible to all.
Let’s VentR-out!